Work has been completed on PHASES’ largest project to date – the renovation of a derelict Victorian house on Brockley Grove. The property had been empty for over 20 years and work was funded partly from the Empty Homes Community Grants Fund and partly from Lewisham Council. Work took approximately one year and provided construction training opportunities for six trainees. Two former trainees were also employed on site by the building contractor. The property now provides two great flats (one 3-bed and one 4-bed) for two families who were previously in poor quality overcrowded accommodation. An opening event took place in August with over 50 guests. Councillor Susan Wise, attending for Lewisham, stated: “I am very pleased to see this problematic long term empty being brought back into life. PHASES have not only worked hard to repair this property but have given work experience opportunities to apprentices to develop their knowledge and skills in the building trade’’.

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